
Price Guarantee

Frontgate Guarantees

At Frontgate, our primary focus is quality. We guarantee that every product we sell will stand up to the supreme test – our customers’ satisfaction.

One-Year Guarantee

Our One-Year Guarantee lets you put any Frontgate product to the test. If for any reason you are not satisfied, simply return it within 90 days and we’ll replace it or refund the cost of the item (excluding Shipping and Processing fees). In addition, we will repair or replace any product for a full year from the date of purchase.

See our complete Return Policy for details.

Price Guarantee

Real value means the finest quality at the best price. If we offer a special price on any item you purchased within 30 days of the sale, let us know and we will refund the difference. If the exact item is advertised elsewhere for less, provide us with the advertisement within 30 days and we’ll refund the difference*.

*Price Guarantee applies to internet offers only when the same price appears in the company’s printed advertisements.